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Friday, October 8, 2010

Owl Becoming Dodo

Have you ever wonder what other kinds of animals there are compared to the ones that you see in the zoo? Well there will be one less animal you will never get to see because it is close to extinction. The animal I’m talking about is the Pernambuco Pygmy Owl. The owl is classified in Critical endangerment by Birdlife International, due to immense habitat lost. The owl can be found in the forest of Pernambuco, Brazil, and its population has been estimated to be less than fifty and still decreasing. Very little is known about the owl because of little research and with the fact that the species was just discovered in 2002.

The owl is covered in gray feathers with white spots and has a voice of 5 to 6 notes and repeats it every 5 seconds. The owl has been recorded to eat cicada, which is an insect. The Pygmy Owl is mostly vocal during the rainy seasons which are the months of April and May. People today care more about what they can use the natural resources of the forests’ that they don’t pay attention to the different forms of life they are hurting. I feel sorry that an animal such as the Pygmy Owl cannot do anything about its home because it has no way to battle humans. Humans need a reality check so they can see that the world is not just theirs, the only reason they can do what they can is because they are abundant when it comes to population, that doesn’t give them the right to take what they want from the planet. How would they like it if something else would start to destroy important cities? So This Pygmy owl is a victim of human selfishness and is close to extinction, soon it will become another “dodo” (Flyless bird that went extinct in 1681 because of Human Hunting.)

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