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Friday, October 22, 2010

No wood for Woodpecker

The Kaempfer’s Woodpecker is one of many animals that have not been seen in the longest due to near extinction. The animal is one Brazil’s lost species due to deforestation, which is due to human use of lumber. The woodpecker was recently rediscovered after eighty years so very little is known about its life. Birdlife International has classified it under critical endangered which means that in a couple of years it will no longer exist. The woodpecker is around 9.5 inches in size with black feathers and a red colored head, so the look of this animal is what makes it very amazing to spot in the wild. It is mostly attracted to the bamboo trees that are located in the forest of Cerrado, Brazil which is the biggest savanna in the world. No government law is protecting the habitat of this animal which shows how humans have no care for the homes of these animals. I would hate that in the future the world has become no more than an empty desert with no life only because humans’ where too greedy to see the damaged that they caused to all life around them. The Kaempfer’s Woodpecker is an example of the many animals that are suffering the causes of humans’ consumption of natural resources. So I ask you what human will you be the one who puts more and more animals in the endangerment list or the human that will help to remove them from it?

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