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Friday, October 15, 2010

Chinchilla Coat

The long tailed chinchilla has been one of the most hunted animals in the world. Humans with their greedy minds have coveted the chinchilla’s fur, which is one of the best quality and softest furs in the planet. The chinchilla is in critical endangerment because people have killed so many just so that they can get their fur and sell it to people who use it for clothing. The Chinchilla can be found in the countries of Chile, Argentina, Bolivia and some parts of Peru. During 1953 the chinchilla was thought to be extinct but was rediscovered in 1975. It’s a herbivore so it eats only plants which makes it easy to adapt to mostly any habitat. The female can reproduce once a year around the months of May through November, and a couple can have from 1-2 offspring at a time.

 Between 1840 and 1916 about 21 million chinchillas were killed so that their pelts could be traded to different parts of the world. How can humans be so selfish to be willing to take another animals’ skin so they can cover their own skin? Why can’t they just use fake fur and spare a poor animals life? It is because again human’s selfish needs have blinded them from seeing what they are doing to other forms of life. They are using the animals’ fur so they can make what they call “Fashion” when in reality fashion is for the selfish beings who care for material things without a care of things around them.  Ask yourself the question if an animal is worth creating clothing for a human? So next time you buy something that looks like fur make sure its fake because if it’s not you are wearing an animal making you a killer.

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