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Friday, October 29, 2010

Growing Oryx

The Arabian Oryx is one of the endangered animals in the Middle East. The animal is a type antelope and is smaller than the regular ones. It was believed to be extinct in the 1970’s but was reintroduced into the wild in 1980. The animal had almost gone extinct because people hunted them for their skin, their meat and most importantly their horns which were used for many things. Their diet consists of plants such as grass and roots, and they can even eat tree bark. One thing that makes this animal unique is the different abilities with water that it has. The Oryx can go weeks without water and when it’s finally thirsty it becomes a weather person, it can detect rainfall from miles away and move towards it. Herds of this animal can be between two and ten animals, they all live peacefully unless one tries to gain power over the herd in which two Oryx will fight till death.

The Arabian Oryx is now trying to recover and so far they are doing well. It’s one of few animals that might be able to get off the world’s endangered list in the near future as long as humans keep helping in in preserving it and not killing them anymore. The Phoenix Zoo in London, with the help of the World Wildlife Fund are making sure that the Oryx population keeps on growing in zoos and in the wild. Hopefully the animals can soon return to a stable population and be alive for many years to come so that future generations can see it in the wild.

Friday, October 22, 2010

No wood for Woodpecker

The Kaempfer’s Woodpecker is one of many animals that have not been seen in the longest due to near extinction. The animal is one Brazil’s lost species due to deforestation, which is due to human use of lumber. The woodpecker was recently rediscovered after eighty years so very little is known about its life. Birdlife International has classified it under critical endangered which means that in a couple of years it will no longer exist. The woodpecker is around 9.5 inches in size with black feathers and a red colored head, so the look of this animal is what makes it very amazing to spot in the wild. It is mostly attracted to the bamboo trees that are located in the forest of Cerrado, Brazil which is the biggest savanna in the world. No government law is protecting the habitat of this animal which shows how humans have no care for the homes of these animals. I would hate that in the future the world has become no more than an empty desert with no life only because humans’ where too greedy to see the damaged that they caused to all life around them. The Kaempfer’s Woodpecker is an example of the many animals that are suffering the causes of humans’ consumption of natural resources. So I ask you what human will you be the one who puts more and more animals in the endangerment list or the human that will help to remove them from it?

Friday, October 15, 2010

Chinchilla Coat

The long tailed chinchilla has been one of the most hunted animals in the world. Humans with their greedy minds have coveted the chinchilla’s fur, which is one of the best quality and softest furs in the planet. The chinchilla is in critical endangerment because people have killed so many just so that they can get their fur and sell it to people who use it for clothing. The Chinchilla can be found in the countries of Chile, Argentina, Bolivia and some parts of Peru. During 1953 the chinchilla was thought to be extinct but was rediscovered in 1975. It’s a herbivore so it eats only plants which makes it easy to adapt to mostly any habitat. The female can reproduce once a year around the months of May through November, and a couple can have from 1-2 offspring at a time.

 Between 1840 and 1916 about 21 million chinchillas were killed so that their pelts could be traded to different parts of the world. How can humans be so selfish to be willing to take another animals’ skin so they can cover their own skin? Why can’t they just use fake fur and spare a poor animals life? It is because again human’s selfish needs have blinded them from seeing what they are doing to other forms of life. They are using the animals’ fur so they can make what they call “Fashion” when in reality fashion is for the selfish beings who care for material things without a care of things around them.  Ask yourself the question if an animal is worth creating clothing for a human? So next time you buy something that looks like fur make sure its fake because if it’s not you are wearing an animal making you a killer.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Owl Becoming Dodo

Have you ever wonder what other kinds of animals there are compared to the ones that you see in the zoo? Well there will be one less animal you will never get to see because it is close to extinction. The animal I’m talking about is the Pernambuco Pygmy Owl. The owl is classified in Critical endangerment by Birdlife International, due to immense habitat lost. The owl can be found in the forest of Pernambuco, Brazil, and its population has been estimated to be less than fifty and still decreasing. Very little is known about the owl because of little research and with the fact that the species was just discovered in 2002.

The owl is covered in gray feathers with white spots and has a voice of 5 to 6 notes and repeats it every 5 seconds. The owl has been recorded to eat cicada, which is an insect. The Pygmy Owl is mostly vocal during the rainy seasons which are the months of April and May. People today care more about what they can use the natural resources of the forests’ that they don’t pay attention to the different forms of life they are hurting. I feel sorry that an animal such as the Pygmy Owl cannot do anything about its home because it has no way to battle humans. Humans need a reality check so they can see that the world is not just theirs, the only reason they can do what they can is because they are abundant when it comes to population, that doesn’t give them the right to take what they want from the planet. How would they like it if something else would start to destroy important cities? So This Pygmy owl is a victim of human selfishness and is close to extinction, soon it will become another “dodo” (Flyless bird that went extinct in 1681 because of Human Hunting.)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Green Turtle Soup

The Green Turtle is one of the most endangered sea animals in the entire world. The turtle is one of seven kinds of turtles that are left in the sea and are endangered due to human interference with both their habitats and their lives. The Green Sea Turtle it was given that name because it is said that they have a layer of green fat under their shell also known as their carapace. The turtle travels all around the world and can be found in the: Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans. It life first begins in a beach where its mother has nested and put between 100 and 200 eggs in one nest. After 40 to 56 days, the baby green sea turtle moves from the underground nest up to the beach’s surface, where it will try to survive until it can make it into the water. Many of the babies never make it to the water due to predators in the wild such as crabs and seagulls, but the ones that make it spend the next five years of their life in the water getting bigger and bigger, some up to 5 ft. and with a weight of 661 lbs.
The green sea turtle will spend its life in coastal waters eating mostly sea grass. Both the female and male sea turtle will start to mate once they have reaches maturity, which is around 20 years of life. The female will mate every two to four years once it matures, while the male turtle will mate every year. The female turtle will return to the beach that it hatched from to lay her eggs. The green turtle has been endangered for many years due to humans both harming the animal and its habitat. Pollution and tourism have been the major cause of nesting ground lost. Tourist that go to beaches to relax in the sun have made it impossible for sea turtle to breed, while pollution has started causing health problem for turtles such as tumors and babies being born with deformations. Humans have also started to eat the animal’s eggs which are a delicacy in some parts of the world and the main ingredient for turtle soup. Sailors’ nets have also become a problem for turtles due to the fact that they are getting caught in the nets and then drowning. Many countries have started laws to help preserve green sea turtles, but humans are still killing them. Humans’ selfish actions are destroying one of the sea’s oldest creatures, the green sea turtle, which can live up to eighty years. If humans could: clean the earth’s water, not kill turtles as food and not invade its habit, the green sea turtle could live and finally get off the world’s endangerment list.