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Saturday, November 6, 2010

God of the Air

           The Resplendent Quetzal is one of the most vivid animals in the wild. The quetzal is a bird that is native to both the southern part of Mexico and western Mexico. The bird is so alluring due to its colorful feathers and elongated tail.  Its body is green with bright red breast and a tail that can grow to be 25 inches in length. The males have longer tails than the female quetzal and have yellow beaks, the females have black ones. The diet of this great animal consists of mostly fruits and a few insects but if they are lucky to find they will also eat small frogs, which they can swallow whole.
            The reproduction of this animal is decreasing due to tree lost which it uses to nest its eggs. The male and female quetzals don’t live together until mating season which is around March to April. The couple will have from one to two eggs per season and each one will take turns incubating them. The male will take care of the eggs during the day and the female will during the night. The incubation period last for 18 days and once the birds hatch both parents will take care of them until they are grown. Another thing that makes The Resplendent Quetzal so great, is that in both Mayan and Aztec civilization, this animal was believe to be the god of the air. During this period it was a crime to kill a quetzal so in order to get its feather it was simply captured, its feathers plucked and then set free. Deforestation has caused this animal to become vulnerable to extinction. If forest aren’t preserved the world will lose, what once was considered to be a God to humans

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